Yes, I've been addressing this same sentiment all over the place. Perhaps the most difficult conversations regarding this mindset are with those who have concerns over our unsustainability (especially as it pertains to fossil fuel use and its implications for atmospheric overloading) but then advocate for technological solutions, not understanding that shifting from one form of industrial-technology production to another is in no way 'sustainable' (to say little about the ecological system destruction of this which they tend to discount or rationalise away because...human ingenuity).
I am actually in the midst of writing a somewhat similar post that addresses these difficult conversations and the 'blindness' that they demonstrate despite the good intentions of the 'blind'.
Wish I could upload a picture via this comment but there is a great meme that I've used based on the Princess Bride's character Iñigo Montoya that says: "You keep using that word, 'Sustainability', I do not think it means what you think it means."