While everything you state is factual and based upon solid data and geological evidence, I fear our penchant to deny reality (especially if it is 'painful' in nature), reduce our cognitive dissonance (to alleviate stressful thoughts/beliefs), and defer to authority (that we give all too willingly to our 'elite')--as well as a potpourri of other psychological mechanisms that impact our beliefs--will once again see Peak Oil discussions/awareness/understanding be sustained/grow only on the margins of society.
Previous bouts of 'awareness' have arisen during similar times of stress, especially with regard to energy, but for the most part get lost in the alternative narratives that drown out the clarion calls about Peak Resources and seem directed to distract us from the ugly underside of ecological overshoot and its implications for our misbeliefs about humanity's future and the magical thinking required to hold that more of what has caused our overshoot--namely technology--will somehow ameliorate/solve our errant ways and existential crises.
The vast, vast majority of people will either choose to ignore/deny the reality of Peak Oil (and especially its implications for our complex societies that completely depend upon fossil fuels for existence) or acknowledge it and then hold on to the rope being dangled by the elite that our ingenuity and technological prowess will 'solve' our issues (and, of course, it's no coincidence that the push by our elite is primarily because they own the industries and institutions that are offered as saviours and stand to profit handsomely from the capital flowing into them).