We will have to agree to disagree.
We seem to be (given all the signals Nature is sending) far too deeply into ecological overshoot for the hopium that is 'clean/free' energy.
Overloaded planetary sinks. Significant biodiversity loss. Weather anomalies. Energy-averaging systems (i.e., trade) on a razor's edge of collapse. Several quadrillion in debt obligations built up over the past 50+ years to sustain the global, industrial system and all its subsystems (especially the increasingly Ponzi-like economic system). Increasing geopolitical tensions over control of scarce resources. Technological complexities that are almost completely dependent upon a quickly diminishing finite resource. A ruling caste that controls virtually everything. And, the continued pursuit of the perpetual growth chalice in almost every corner of the planet.
Add to the above a long list of previous experiments throughout pre/history in complex societies that have always ended with decline/descent/collapse. Always.
The path ahead seems pretty clear to me, and it's not an attractive one. It's one where Nature sets the rules and methods of our 'reversion to the mean', while humanity continues to deny/bargain for control which it never really had.