Once again an excellent article!
One of the quickest ad hominens/strawmen I get thrown at me when I discuss limits to growth or the impediments inherent on a finite planet is that I am a Malthusian, whose 'predictions' have been proved wrong since their inception.
I find it interesting that most people who hold that perspective have never actually read An Essay on the Principle of Population but rely upon the 'analysis' of critics to Malthus's argument...which of course then depends upon the entire echo chamber of argument from/appeal to authority fallacy.
One can never truly appreciate the rhetoric of an author unless one has personally read their work, which I set out to do a week or so again with Malthus, not having read it myself.
But, indeed, what could possibly go wrong chasing perpetual growth on a finite planet? If you are an economist who believes in infinite substitutability or a technocornucopian, absolutely nothing.