I personally see little but surface differences between the two. By that I mean there are issues where they differ, and those issues are very important to some, but the existential issues I tend to focus upon are not treated differently by these individuals or parties.
All politicians, regardless of stripes/leanings, tend to be marketing/propaganda/theatrical fronts for the ruling elite; left, right, centre. And keep in mind that what politicians say--or the media interpretation of what they say--rarely, if ever, aligns with what actually happens in society.
Regardless of sociopolitical 'leadership', some issues are firmly treated the same. Pursuit of the infinite growth chalice doesn't change. Currency devaluation continues and expands. Imperialism continues. Ecocide expands. Control via mass surveillance/censorship/etc. ramps up. The control/expansion of the wealth-generation/-extraction systems that provide their revenue streams and thus positions of power and privilege nary misses a beat.
The answer to your question would depend entirely on the interpretation of things by the one attempting to answer it.
Given my view of the motivation(s) of the ruling elite, I see zero significant differences regardless of who sits in the office of US president.