I have to wonder if in addition to our lack of longtermism--which is a definite problem that can, like all worldviews, get twisted by social narratives--that it's several other aspects of our cognitive blinders that impact our perspective on 'life'.
First, our denial of reality springing from our anxiety around death that leads us to deny any and all anxiety-provoking aspects, including the denial of the death of our complex societies and the associated living standards.
Second, our self-important view of ourselves that puts us above and beyond the natural world; a view seemingly expanded upon by the various religious institutions that have developed over millennia.
And, third, a combination of these first two that has led the majority (led, again, by social narratives that benefit a few) to view everything through sociopolitical and socioeconomic prisms--as opposed to a more ecological perspective that would see us as part and parcel of nature.
It's a wicked predicament we are trapped in to say the least.
B: I have a writing project you may be interested in. If so, please touch base: olduvaitrilogy@gmail.com.