Another great article. Thanks for sharing.
I am increasingly coming to the opinion that the boat, for cushioning our fall from the energy/resource cliff we have willingly and gleefully run off of, sailed a long time ago.
I certainly agree with the idea that our elite, in their cheerleading of the 'green' growth propaganda, are expediting our collapse journey--and co-opting a lot of well-intentioned people/groups in the process, who seem completely blind to the ecological consequences of their calls for ratcheting up the industrial production of non-renewable, complex technologies (the denial and bargaining by them is mind staggering at times).
It would seem that the evidence is accumulating that human complex societies are simply not sustainable; not in any form. Once the organisational structures that are needed to ensure its functioning arise and differential access to power/wealth occurs as a result, the table has been set for its inevitable collapse. We just can't seem to help ourselves.