Another great article! Thanks for it. We could indeed 'experiment' in the future with more ‘democratic’ ways of organising life, as we have been for millennia, but I doubt we would ever reach the 'ideal' case where there truly is direct input by all citizens in actions/policies/legislation/etc. (I would argue the current ‘representative’ form in most nation states is a brilliant ‘scam’ perpetrated on the masses by the ruling class, where citizens believe they have ‘agency’ via the ballot box but in reality have close to zero). My education in archaeology leads me to conclude that once a complex society gets past a certain tipping point in population size (social psychology would suggest around 150), the sociopolitical structures that arise to help in its organisation become such that certain individuals/families take on over-proportional influence and eventually leave what we might consider 'democratic' life behind. Anything is possible but I have my doubts about 'democracy' for large, complex societies.